
How can small Self Storage facilities increase efficiency?

The profit margins for small businesses, including small Self Storage facilities, can be slim. Because of this, it’s important you eliminate as much inefficiency in your business as possible. We’ve published a recent article on the importance of increasing employee efficiency, but it can be difficult to make this a priority if your Self Storage facility is small. Here are a three simple things to focus on to increase the efficiency of your small Self Storage facility.

Choose the right staff

Your staff are the backbone of your facility’s success. Small facilities usually don’t have a lot of staff, so it’s important the staff you do have can do the job well. In order to see growth within your facility, your staff need to be committed to aligning their actions and service with your facility’s vision and values. If you hire staff who are committed to improving the efficiency of your facility, you’re more likely to make progress. Without the commitment from your staff, your facility won’t see any improvement.

Automate as much as possible

In the Self Storage industry, there are several processes you can implement to increase efficiency. Automating as much of your daily processes as possible can give you and your staff valuable time to focus on other aspects of running the facility. Good Self Storage management software, such as SiteLink Web Edition, can help you automate many of the daily processes required. RapidStor can also automate several aspects and make your facility more efficient.

RapidStor gives storers the ability to book and pay for their storage unit online. It also allows them to make minor changes, such as updating their contact details, by themselves. This will allow you to focus your time and effort on more important tasks. Not being swamped with minor, insignificant tasks can help increase the efficiency of your small Self Storage facility.

Encourage face-to-face communication to limit interuptions

Open communication is essential for the success of any business, and your Self Storage facility can’t be efficient if it’s plagued by miscommunication. While you might be tempted to send constant emails throughout the day, this can be very disruptive to your employees’ productivity. Instead, encourage face-to-face communication between your staff. This eliminates the potential for the miscommunication often associated with digital communication. It’s important to remember that your face-to-face communication shouldn’t be hour-long meetings every day. Quick conversations that stick to the essentials are best.

Implementing these few changes to your facility can help you dramatically increase the efficiency of your small Self Storage facility. If you’re ready to invest in the benefits of RapidStor, contact us today!