
June 2021 Version History

Tweaks have been made to how units are being retrieved & displayed from SiteLink to determine their availability and to validate the correct behaviour for move-in. Alongside with this we’ve worked on multiple bugs relating to tenant accounts & introduced a new setting area to make it clear which ones are for Standard or Tiered Unit Listings.


New Features:

Min. Availability support for Tiered Unit Listings

Settings > Common Unit Setttings

Min Available Units previously was only supported for Standard Unit Listing but has now been expanded upon to support Tiered Unit Listing. Setting a value in Min. Available Units will change the a tier to show the Call for Availability text if the unit count drops below a certain amount.


Bug Fixes & Other Changes:

  • ‘Common Unit Setttings’ has been added to the settings list. Any settings that would affect both the Standard & Tiered unit listing have been moved into this separate area.
  • Resolved a visual glitch where a customer logged into tenant accounts could see the incorrect expiry date shown for their auto-billed card
  • Resolved a visual glitch where a customer logged into tenant accounts could see the incorrect invoice dates shown on their invoice history
  • Resolved bug in tenant accounts where the tooltip for card expiry date would appear after only filling the month field
  • Resolved an issue where in specific cases unit data retrieved would read a unittype as unavailable when it should be showing as available instead